
Biology Program, UHM

Biology 101: Introduction to Biology
Biology 171/172: Biology
Biology 222: General Biology
Biology 265L: Ecology Lab
Biology 308/363: Field Biological Studies

Botany Department, UHM

Botany 130: Plants in the Hawaiian Environment
Botany 440: Advanced Ethnobotany
Botany 448: Cognitive Ethnobotany
Botany 453: Plants and the Environment
Botany 455: Analysis of Biological Data
Botany 498: Special Topics (Mekong River)
Botany 606: Graduate Student Tools
Botany 610: Graduate Seminar
Botany 640: Quantitative Ethnobotany
Various: Conservation Ethnobiology Field School

Geography Department, UHM

Geography 750: Computer Cartography

Information and Computer Sciences Department, UHM

ICS 101: Tools for the Information Age
ICS 101L: Tools for the Information Age Lab

Comments on Courses

I taught almost all of these courses by myself. Field courses always involved several faculty members (most often, Mike Huddleston and Will McClatchey).

The 100-200 level courses were often big -- sometimes very big. Biology 101 generally had 400 students and ICS 101 had 600 students. Teaching the large classes brought great challenges and many rewards. Technology was critical in handling the day-to-day tasks of records management. Equally important was the contribution of computer graphics to the presentation of concepts. Dr. McClatchey and I made many innovative changes to how these classes are taught.

BOT455 (Analysis of Biological Data) was a special course. This undergraduate offering was always filled with graduate students and faculty members. The course was offered during the punchcard-era when SAS was the dominant tool for analyzing data (i.e., statistics). Prior to offering this course, I had been inundated with requests for help in analyzing data. This course eliminated the backlog and allowed researchers to conduct their own analyses.

Seminars, Workshops and Poster Presentations

2018: Talk: The Flipped Classroom, Society for Economic Botany, Madison, WI.
2016: Talk: The Science of Survival: An unexpected example, Society for Economic Botany, Pine Ridge, KY (with Will McClatchey)
2015: Talk: Computer Graphics, ICS 101 Course, University of Hawai`i at Manoa.
2014. Talk: Ranunculus asiaticus. Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Ft. Worth, TX.
2014. Poster: Flower photography using a tethered tablet. Botanical Research Institute of Texas & the Open Science Network in Ethnobotany, Ft. Worth, TX.
2014. Talk/Video: Contextual Photography, Society for Economic Botany, Cherokee, NC.
2014. Video: Contextual Photography, YouTube (
2013. Workshop: SEB Photography Workshop, Society for Economic Botany, Plymouth, England (with Bill Dahl).
2013. Workshop Participant: Biocultural Collection, Kew Gardens, London, England.
2012: Workshop Chair: Technology in the Classroom, Society for Economic Botany, Frostburg, MD.
2012: Invited Talk: Ethnobiology Education: Walking the Talk, Society for Economic Botany, Frostburg, MD.
2012. Workshop: SEB Photography Workshop, Society for Economic Botany, Frostburg, MD (with Bill Dahl).
2012. Talk: Implementtion of Vision and Change Ethnobiology 1.0 Recommendations in a Field School Setting, Society for Economic Botany, Frostburg, MD (Presented by Will McClatchey with B. Yamamoto, D. Reedy and M. Huddleston).
2011. Workshop: SEB Photography Workshop, Society for Economic Botany, St. Louis, MO (with Bill Dahl).
2010. Talk: The GigaPan Hallway Project, 1st Fine International Conference on Gigapixel Imaging for Science, Pittsburgh, PA (with Brian Yamamoto).
2010. Talk: How many ways do I use thee? Academic applications of GigaPan Technology, 1st Fine International Conference on Gigapixel Imaging for Science, Pittsburgh, PA (Presented by Brian Yamamoto).
2010. Talk: Environmental Education: Refined or Redefined, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Ft. Worth, TX.
2010. Talk: New Tools Used in Teaching, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Ft. Worth, TX.
2010. Talk: Footballs in the Field, Society for Economic Botany, Charleston, SC (with Han Lau)
2010. Talk: Time, Change and Botanical Knowledge: A Case Study of the Mennonites from Eastern Pennsylvania, Society for Economic Botany, Charleston, SC (Presented by Adam Brown, with Will McClatchey).
2010. Talk: Ethnobotany Seques to Science: Enhancing Student Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Society for Economic Botany, Charleston, SC (Presented by Will McClatchey, with D. Reedy, H. Lau, A. Chock, K. Kamelamela, L. Weiss and T. Ticktin).
2009. Poster: Ethnobotany Segues to Science: Using Popular Classes to Increase Enrollemnt in STEM Courses & Degree Programs, Society for Economic Botany, Charleston, SC (with 11 others).
2009. Plenary Lecture: Lao and NE Thailand: A frontier of Indian plant knowledge in SE Asia, Mekong Conservation and Ethnobotany Symposium, Honolulu, HI (Presented by Will McClatchey with P. Mokamul and A. Pensuk).
2009. Talk: Mekong River, Mekong Conservation and Ethnobotany Symposium, Honolulu, HI.
2008. Invited Presentation: Shifting Cultivation as an Ecologically Creative Process. Invited Presentation in Symposium: Rainforest as Artifact in the Sixth World Archeology Congress, Dublin, Ireland (Presented by Will McClatchey with Z. Ritchey).
2008. Talk: A Mouth Full of Diversity: Knowledge of Cider Apple Cultivars, Society for Economic Botany, Raleigh, NC (Presented by Dave Reedy, with Will McClatchey and C. Smith).
2008. Workshop: Google Earth, Society for Economic Botany, Durham, NC. [2 times]
2008. Poster: Meetings without Talks; Talks without Meetings, Society for Economic Botany, Durham, NC (with Han Lau).
2007. Talk: Knowledge Capture in an Academic Administrative Office, Hawaii State IT Conference, Honolulu, HI.
2007. Talk: Ethnobotany: Segues to Science. Contributed paper, Society for Economic Botany, Chicago, IL (Presented by Dave Reedy with My Lien Nguyen and Will McClatchey).
2007: Talk: A Questions of Scale: Where is Biodiversity within a Hotspot? Society for Economic Botany, Chicago, IL (Presented by Will McClatchey with W. Pensuk, P. Mokamul).
2007. Talk: Ethnoecological Insights from People Living on the Margin. Invited Presentation in Symposium: None Like it Hot: Climate Change, Plants, and People, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K. (Presented by Will McClatchey).
2007. Invited Talk: McClatchey, W. & K. Bridges. Using Traditional Knowledge of Plants as a Measure of Local Biodiversity. Jean Andrews Visiting Faculty Fellow of Tropical and Economic Botany, Lady Bird Johnson, Wildflower Center, Austin, Texas. (Presented by Will McClatchey).
2007. Invited Talk: Ethnobotanical Basis of Plant Classification Systems in Polynesia. Jean Andrews Visiting Faculty Fellow of Tropical and Economic Botany, invited speaker, University of Texas, Austin. (Presented by Will McClatchey, with K. Winter)
2007. Invited Talk: Impacts of Climate Change on Atoll Cultures of the Central Pacific. Jean Andrews Visiting Faculty Fellow of Tropical and Economic Botany, University of Texas, Austin. (Presented by Will McClatchey)
2006. Talk: Biodiversity and Biocognosy of Phutai in N.E. Thailand. Botany Symposium Series, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. (Presented by Will McClatchey).
2006. Using Traditional Knowledge of Plants as a Measure of Local Biodiversity and Identification of Species New to Science. Anthropology Colloquium, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. (Presented by Will McClatchey).
2006: Workshop Chair: Field Methods and Development of Economic Botany Theory, Society for Economic Botany, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
2006. Talk: 10 Bad Excuses for Not Georeferencing, Society for Economic Botany, Chiang Mai, Thailand (with Han Lau).
2005. Talk: Peaks and Valleys of Ethnobotanical Data Visualization, Society for Economic Botany, Ft. Worth, TX (with Will McClatchey).
2004. Workshop: The Ethnobotanist's Toolkit, Society for Economic Botany, Canterbury, England (with Will McClatchey & others).
2004. Workshop Participant: Living Archipelagos Workshop, Honolulu, HI.
2003. Talk: Emergent Theories of Human Interactions with Plants based on 56 Years of Economic Botany, Society for Economic Botany, Tucson, AZ (Presented by Will McClatchey).
2003. Talk: Digital Photography, A PABITRA Perspective, Pacific-Asia Biodiversity Transect Network Workshop, Apia, Samoa.
2002. Talk: Strong Inference in Ethnobotany. Society for Economic Botany, New York, NY (Presented by Will McClatchey).
2000. Workshop Organizer: Technology for Field Ecology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan (twice).
2000. Talk: Tasks for Vegetation Ecology in the PABITRA Net, 43rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of vegetation Science, Nagano, Japan.
1999. Workshop Chair: PowerPoint in the Classroom, North Lake Community College (twice).
1998. Talk: Creating Effective Presentations with PowerPoint, University of Hawaii Libraries Staff Development Seminar, 1998.
1997. Talk: Computer Application in the Classroom, Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Women Educators, Delta Chapter.
1996. Workshop Organizer: New Technology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan.
1996. Invited Talk: Academic Year Opening Presentation, United Arab Emirates Colleges of Technology, an interactive video presentation.
1995. Talk: Graphics, Math/Science/Technology Conference, State of Hawaii, Department of Education.
1995. Talk: Confronting the Web, Image & Word Colloquium, UHM Center for Arts and Humanities,.
1993. Invited Talk: The Role of Data Interpretation, 2nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Pacific and Asian University Presidents, Anchorage, AK.
1992. Invited Keynote Address: The Art of Synthesis, Missouri Botanical Garden Fall Symposium, St. Louis, MO.
1992. Talk: Artificial Intelligence Programming, Japanese Society for Computational Statistics.
1992. Talk: 3D Animation for Scientific Visualization, UHM Physiology Department Seminar.
1991. Talk: New Initiatives in 3D Animation, Electronic Pizza.
1991. Workshop Chair: Hypermedia, Pacific Telecommunications Annual Meeting.
1991. Panel Moderator: Hawaii Interactive, The Senate of the State of Hawaii.
1991. Talk: Computer Science Seminar, State of Hawaii, Department of Education [with Stephen Itoga].
1990. Hands-On Activities Coordinator: “Infinite Illusions” Symposium, sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution Associates.
1990. Video Presentation: Computer Graphics, a program in the “It’s science … isn’t it?” series, a television program sponsored by the Hawaii State Department of Education.
1989. Talk: Thoughts about the Future of Computing, in Maximizing the Return on EDP Technology, Pacific Emerging Issues Conference, Association of Government Accountants.
1989. Talk: Statistics, International Association of Business Communicators, Hawaii Chapter.
1989. Coordinator: Science Enrichment Seminar and Hands-On Activities, State of Hawaii Department of Education Central District.
1989. Talk: Personal Computers, Hawaii Society for Hospital Marketing and Public Relations.
1989. Workshop Coordinator: Personal Computers, an in-service training workshop, ADAP, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources.
1989. Panel Member: Electronic versus Traditional Imaging, Biological Photographic Association, Hawaii Chapter.
1989. Talk: Beyond 1-2-3, A Session in Creative Computing, Corporate End Users Support Group.
1988. Talk: Intelligent Tutorial Learning Environment, Educators for Technology and Computing in Hawaii (EDTECH).
1988. Talk: Desktop Publishing, Data Processing Management Association, Hawaii Chapter.
1988. Talk: Computer Graphics, Faculty Development Conference, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UHM.
1988. Talk: Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence, Special Libraries Association, Hawaii Chapter.
1987. Talk: Preparing Slides and Handouts the Way You Want Them, Current Issues at Manoa Seminar Series: New Programs with a High Impact on Teaching and Learning.
1987. Talk: Newsletter Writing Using a PC, UH Alumni Conference.
1987. Topic Leader: Desktop Publishing, University of Hawaii at Manoa, College Hill Breakfast Series.
1987. Talk: Desktop Publishing IBM-PC & Macintosh, Western Computer Consortium, Desktop Publishing Workshop, Reno, NV.
1987. Talk: Computer Mapping, EWC Workshop on the Conservation of Biological Diversity.
1987. Talk: My Last Blue Slide: Designing with Color, ISSCO User’s Group, New Orleans, LA.
1986. Talk: TABLES, ISSCO User’s Group, Nashville, TN.
1986. Talk: A Biologist Looks at Expert Systems, Workshop on the Multipurpose Use of Computers in Systematics Collections, Bishop Museum.
1985. Tutorial: Teaching Computer Graphics, National Computer Graphics Association Conference.
1985. Talk: Scientific Chart Design, ISSCO User’s Group, San Diego, CA.