
Mueller-Dombois, K. W. Bridges and C. C. Daehler (eds.), 2005. Biodiversity Assessment of Tropical Island Ecosystems: PABITRA Manual for Interactive Ecology and Management. url: [published by the Bishop Museum Press, 2008]

Bridges, K. W. and Jon Pitko. 1986. Design Ideas Using TABLES. ISSCO, San Diego, CA.

Bridges, K. W. and S. Kim. 1985. Scientific Chart Design. ISSCO, San Diego, CA.

Mueller-Dombois, D., K. W. Bridges and H. Carson (eds), 1981. Island Ecosystems. Biological Organization in Selected Hawaiian Communities. Hutchinson Ross Publ. Co., Stroudsburg, PA.

Journal Articles, Book Chapters & Editorials

Brown, A., W.C. McClatchey & K.W. Bridges. 2014. Traditional Botanical Knowledge of the Plain Mennonites: Time, Change, and Knowledge Transitions. In press Ethnobotany Research & Applications.

McClatchey, W.C. & K.W. Bridges. 2014. Lessons learned in a conservation ethnobiology field school. Chapter in Project-Based Learning and New Approaches in Teaching Botany and Applied Botany. Edited by Valentina Savo, Universiti Tre Roma Press, Rome. (in editing)

McClatchey, W.C. & K.W. Bridges. 2014. Lessons learned in development of an interdisciplinary science curriculum support organization. Chapter in Innovative Strategies for Teaching in the Plant Sciences. Edited by C.L. Quave. Springer, New York.

McClatchey, W.C. & K.W. Bridges. 2014. Curating ethnobotanical photographs. Chapter 14 in Curating Biocultural Collections. Edited by J. Salick and K. Kincher. Kew Publishing, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, U.K.

Reedy, D., W.C. McClatchey, V. Savo, Y.H. Lau, C. Smith & K.W. Bridges. 2011. Cider house learning; Education based on taste and smell. Chapter 5 in The Sense of Taste. Edited by E.J. Lunch & A.P. Petrov. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, New York. ISBN: 978-1-61209-748-0.

Yamamoto, B. and K. W. Bridges. 2010. How many ways do I use thee? -- Academic applications of GigaPan technology. Proceedings of the Fine International Conference on Gigapixel Imaging for Science, November 11-13, 2010, Pittsburgh, PA.

Bridges, K.W. & W.C. McClatchey. 2009. Living on the margin: Ethnoecological insights from Marshall Islanders at Rongelap atoll. Global Environmental Change 19:140-146.

Stevens-Releford, J., J. Stevens, K.W. Bridges & W.C. McClatchey. 2009. Flora of Rongelap and Ailinginae atolls, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 572:1-13.

Savo, V., Y.H. Lau, W.C. McClatchey, D. Reedy, A.K. Chock, K.W. Bridges & Z. Ritchey. 2009. "Segues" in Botanica: Una documentazione fotografica. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 7:135-146.

Savo, V., Y.H. Lau, W.C. McClatchey, D. Reedy, A.K. Chock, K.W. Bridges & Z. Ritchey. 2009. Botany Segue: A photo essay. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 7:123-134.

Reedy, D., W.C. McClatchey, C. Smith Y. Han Lau & K.W. Bridges. 2009. A Mouthful of Diversity; Knowledge of Cider apple cultivars in the United Kingdom and NW United States. Economic Botany 63:2-15.

Lau, H., W.C. McClatchey, D. Reedy, A.K. Chock, K.W. Bridges & Z. Ritchey. 2009. Are our students taxonomically challenged or not? Ethnobotany Research and Applications 7:29-37.

McClatchey, W. & K.W. Bridges. 2008. The Importance of Scale in Determination of Human Population Distributions in the Marshall Islands. Pp. 25-37 in Recent Trends in Ethnopharmacology and Ethnobotany. Edited by U.P. Albuquerque. Research Signpost Press, Kerela.

Bridges, K. W. 2008. Editorial: ePublishing 2.0. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 6: 1-2.

Prance, G.T., K. Aiona, M.J. Balick, B.C. Bennett, K. Bridges, D.A. Burney, L. Pigott Burney, R.A. Bye, L. Dunn, E. Emshwiller, M. Eubanks, T. Flaster, S. Kauka, D.L. Lentz, E. Linares, D.H. Lorence, W. McClatchey, H. McMillen, M. Merlin, J.S. Miller, D.E. Moerman, A.E. Prance, D. Ragone, J.H. Rashford, P. Raven, P.H. Raven, D. Reedy, J.R. Stepp, N.G. Tavana, R. Thaman, M.B. Thomas, T. Ticktin, T. Urban, P. Van Dyke, W. Wagner, W.A. Whistler, C.R. Wichman Jr., H. Wichman, K. Winter, J. Wiseman, M. Wysong & B. Yamamoto. 2008.  Ethnobotany, the Science of survival: A declaration from Kaua’i. 2007. Economic Botany 61:1-2.

Bridges, K. W. and Y. Han Lau. 2006. Editorial: The Skill Acquisition Process Related to Ethnobotanical Methods. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 4: 115-118.

Bridges, K. W. and Will McClatchey. 2006. Expect the Unexpected: Safety Considerations for Ethnobotany Field Research. Ethnobotany Research & Applications 4: 41-50.

Bridges, K. W., and Edo Biagioni. 2005. Plant Monitoring with Special Reference to Endangered Species. Pages 1039-1047 in: S. S. Iyengar and R. R. Brooks (eds.) Distributed Sensor Networks, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL. 1123 p.

Bridges, K. W., and W. McClatchey. 2005. Complementing PABITRA high-island studies by examining terrestrial plant diversity on atolls. Pacific Science 59: 261-272.

Bridges, K. W., 2004. Editorial: Give and Take. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 2(2): 75.

Biagioni, Edoardo S., and K. W. Bridges. 2002. The application of remote sensor technology to assist the recovery of rare and endangered species. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 16(3): 15 pages.

Bridges, K. W., 1993. Rule-based Decision Making: A Way to Determine Which Alien Species to Control. In: Stone, C. P, C. W. Smith and J. T. Tunison (eds) Alien Plant Invasions in Native Ecosystems of Hawai'i: Management and Research. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, HI.

Bridges, Kent, 1993. The Role of Data Interpretation. In: Shaw, D. G. (ed), Our Common Shores and Our Common Challenge, Environmental Protection of the Pacific, 4th International Symposium of the Conference of Asian and Pan-Pacific University Presidents, Anchorage, AK, Alaska Sea Grant College Program, Univ. Alaska Fairbanks.

Itoga, S. Y., K. Bridges, L. Frederick and R. I. Uyeda, 1989. The AI Microscope Learning Environment. J. Educ. Techn. Syst. 18(1): 3-14.

Gerrish, G., D. Mueller-Dombois, K. W. Bridges. 1988. Nutrient limitation and Metrosideros forest dieback in Hawai`i. Ecology 69(3): 723-727.

Bridges, K. W., 1986. The Distribution of Seagrasses of Yap, Micronesia, with Relation to Low Tide Conditions. Aquat. Bot. 24: 403-407.

McMillan, C., K. W. Bridges, R. L. Kock and M. Falanruw. 1982. Fruit and Seedlings of Cymodocea rotundata in Yap, Micronesia. Aquat. Bot. 24: 403-407.

McMillan, C. and K. W. Bridges, 1982. Systematic Implications of Bullate Leaves and Isozymes for Halophila from Fiji and Western Samoa. Aquat. Bot. 12: 173-188.

Turner, F. B., P. A. Medica, K. W. Bridges, and R. I. Jennrich, 1982. A Population Model of the Lizard Uta stansburiana in Southern Nevada. Ecol. Monogr. 52(3): 243-259.

Bridges, K. W., R. C. Phillips and P. C. Young, 1982. Patterns of Some Seagrass Distributions in the Torres Strait, Queensland. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 33: 273-283.

Phillips, R. C., C. McMillan and K. W. Bridges, 1981. Phenology and Reproductive Physiology of Thalassia testudinum from the Western Tropical Atlantic. Aquat. Bot. 11: 263-277.